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Dev Blog #2024 - Happy New Year!

Happy 2024 everybody, and welcome back for another Dev Blog!

Today we’ve got some exciting news about our Holiday Hangover Sale and new features to be added to the game in update 1.3!

Holiday Hangover Sale

Now that we've filled our stomachs and put the Holidays behind us, it's time to look ahead to what the New Year has in store. And what better way to kick off the year than with a sweet Project Planet discount to ease us back into reality with the Holidays hangover fading?

If you missed out on the Holiday sale with all the other games on discount, don't worry. Starting now, you have 7 days to grab Project Planet at 30% off!

Quick Games

Sometimes you just don’t have the full 30-45 minutes to spare for a complete game. With update 1.3, we will be adding a feature we have wanted to add for quite some time now - quick games. This allows you to play a condensed 2-stage version of our existing disasters. We will start with two disasters, with more to follow in future updates. Our goal is to keep providing players with additional options to tailor the gameplay to their preferences. Stay tuned for more enhancements!

Hot Join

We're also looking to add another highly requested feature: hot join functionality. This allows players to seamlessly join an ongoing game and take over one of the A.I. controlled roles. This should also make streamers’ lives much smoother, as their audience can get in on the action whenever they join the stream.

Here's how it works: Simply input the lobby code of an ongoing session, choose your player name, and voila! Upon joining, you'll be automatically assigned a random role currently handled by A.I. Get ready to jump into the action without missing a beat. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting update!


That’s it for today. Keep an eye out for the many streams by joining our Discord community. Here you can also stay up to date on the latest updates, find others to play with, join our playtests or get in touch and ask us questions!

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